2021년 8월 1일 (주일) VBS 오프닝 예배 때에는 모든 VBS 참여자, 봉사자들과 함께 찬양을 인도합니다. 자세한 컨셉과 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
In the opening worship (8.1, SUN), all participants and volunteers will lead the praise time in the worship together. Below is the information of the concept about what to do and how to do.
[Song Lists]
In the worship, we will lead the praise time with these two VBS songs. Please do practice to make these two songs and dances to be familiar:)
1. Priceless Treasure + Power in the Blood
We will divide us into two groups. One group will wait at right side of the stage; the other group will be at the left side of the stage. When this music intro begins with the sounds of drum, all performers will appear with clapping hands on the stage and will find their position. (When they move to find their position, please act like explorers who find treasures).
Sarah who will be in charge of praise time during VBS will be at the forefront. And, to help participants follow easy, the dance video will be played on all projector screens in the sanctuary.
After Priceless Treasure finishes, power in the blood will be begun directly.
2. Blessed the Lord, oh my Soul.
After the song "Power in the Blood" finishes, this song "You Say" will play in smooth. At this transition, the Praise Leader (Pastor Min Kim) will briefly introduce about this song to congregation in Korean.
Then, we will perform this song as sing and dancing. Especially, please do practice to sing the chorus part loudly. After this song finishes, we will greet to congregations together then will be down from the stage.
We all will be united in one outfit. Please wear Church t-shirts (Yellow one). Or, if this summer VBS t-shirts is assigned in advance, we all will wear that one.
[Group Practice]
We will meet for practice as stated below.
Location: Main Sanctuary, Stallings UMC / Date & Time: 7. 31. (Sat.), 5:00pm